Website Maker - All Features

Networks where Website Maker can autopost

Social Networks

Facebook - Autopost text, image or share a link to your profile, business page, community page, or Facebook group
Google+ - Post text, image or share a link to your profile, collection, business page or community
Instagram - Upload your blogpost's image to your Instagram account.
LinkedIn - Post text, article, image or share a link to your profile, group, or company page. - Autopost text, image or share a link to your profile or group
Plurk - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to messages
Pinterest - Post your blogpost's image to your Pinterest board.
Twitter - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach images to tweets
VK.Com - Post text, image or share a link to your profile or group page
Weibo - Biggest Chinese Microblogging Service. You can post your messages and images
XING - Post text messages, images or share links.

Blogs/Publishing Platforms

Blogger - Autopost to your blog. HTML is supported
Flipboard - Autopost to your magazines
Google My Business - Create Google My Business post
Instapaper - Autopost to your account
LiveJournal - Auto-submit your blogpost to LiveJournal blog or community. LiveJournal engine based website is also supported
Medium - Autopost to your profile or publications
Scoop.It - Autopost to your "Topics". Ability to attach your blogpost to scoop. Ability to make "Image" posts
SETT - Auto-post to your blog
Tumblr - Create a text post, image post, audio or video post on your Tumbler blog. HTML is supported.
WP Based Blog - Auto-submit your blogpost to another WordPress based site. Support for any standalone Wordpress and,, etc..

Link Sharing/Bookmarks

Diigo - Auto-submit bookmark to your account
Reddit - Autopost to your subreddits

Email Marketing

MailChimp - One of the most popular email marketing tools. You can send your blogposts as email campaigns to specific subscribers


Line - Autopost texts, images, or links to your channel, group or chat
Telegram - Autopost texts, images, or links to your channel, group or chat
Yo - Send notifications to your subscribers

Image Sharing

deviantART (!) - Autopost to your blog. HTML is supported
Flickr - Autopost images to your photostream and/or sets. Tags are supported


vBulletin - Auto-submit your blogpost to vBulletin forums. Could create new threads or new posts


YouTube - Post messages to your YouTube channel feed. Ability to attach existing YouTube videos to posts